Words of the day | Day 9 | Everyday English Practice

🧶Words of the day

1. Exclave : A portion of territory of one state completely surrounded by territory of another or others, as viewed by the home territory.

2. Passionate : having, showing, or caused by strong feelings or beliefs.

3. Defenestrate : Throw (someone) out of a window.

"she had made up her mind that the woman had been defenestrated, although the official verdict had been suicide"

4. Hullabaloo: A commotion; a fuss.

"remember all the hullabaloo over the golf ball?"

5. Pinnackle : The most successful point; the culmination.

"he had reached the pinnacle of his career"

6. Coddiwomple : To travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination.

👫 Role play Topic

1. Telephone conversation


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