Words of the day | Day 21 | Everyday English Practice

 🧶 Words of the day

1. Elongate : make or become longer.

2. Doze off : To go to sleep.

3. Demure : Reserved, modest, and shy (typically used of a woman).

4. Fraternity : A group of people sharing a common profession or interests.

🧶Idiom for Today

1. White Elephant : An expensive item with no use or purpose.

2. When Pigs Fly :  Something that is highly unlikely to ever happen.


May of us lead mechanical lives. Our response to what is happening around us is often the conditional responses we have repeating for umpteen years. Because of our negativities. often react to life situations instead of pro-acting. Pro- acting doesn't come easy to us because we often look at life as a threat. So, there is little freedom and very little room for growth.we remain stunted in our growth, our creativity stifled.


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